Removing The Fear Of Writing And Editing Services

By Amanda Lee

Many people think of being an author the wrong way. Most non writers think it is a monumental task. And most do not know how to start.

In reality, writing a book is lot easier than perceived. Different techniques from thousands or authors are just a web search away, and editing services and others that help authors are cheaper and more accessible than ever. It is time you find out how to succeed in this career.

Having low standards initially is something most aspiring authors miss to see value in. When you expect less of yourself you become more productive than when you attempt perfection from the get go. It is advisable to only aim for a mediocre first draft. When you do this, you can initiate your task a lot quicker than you would have otherwise. Not having anything to write about is usually caused when you place so much pressure on yourself. It is easier to edit a bad first draft than it is to create magic on a blank page.

Another thing to realize is that penning a book is a habit that you add into your life so expect some difficulty initially. The best way to develop habits is to make them as easy as possible. For example if you want to start exercising, do 1 minute a day during the first week. Most people do not realize how much of an interrupt a new habit is. If you decide to write for an hour a day you will have to reorganize your schedule to make room for that hour. Instead, write one page a day. Making the task easy also encourages consistency.

Wasting time is another thing writers struggle with. There are multiple ways to deal with this. Finding the optimal time of day you feel like writing is a good first step. A huge number of successful authors claim to have the most creativity during evenings, others lean towards working in the day time. Have a trial of both to find what works for you.

Many people also struggle with staying on task. Fortunately, there is no shortage of techniques to deal with this. One approach that has many proponents dictates that you should break up your focused attention with short rest periods to ensure that you are more effective.

Another factor that will help you especially if you are an independent author is having a deadline that is shorter than you think you need. This works because it forces you to focus on your work and naturally remove all the useless fluff from your work and so you can effectively focus on the few that is crucial. Focusing on the crucial is another important point.

Any pursuit, spiritual, emotional, or social will usually see that there is a select few of the most important things one must focus on while the rest just becomes icing on the cake. Banks for example get the majority of their revenue from the small number of preferred clients they have rather than the multitudes of regular clients. Therefore you need to analyze what exactly are the crucial aspects of your journalism practice and remove as many useless things a you can.

Finally, once you have applied the things discussed here, you will need to immerse yourself into your the thing you want to write about. A work of fiction will call for you having to get deep into artistic and creative sources of stimulation, participating in things that require more of that state of mind is also advisable. If you want to write a non fiction piece then you are likely already immersed in it for you to be inspired to write about it, if not, you have to be, the best way to do that is to experience it first hand.

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