Is There A Need To Have Afterschool Class For WFCF Scholarship?

By Helen Davis

Most primary school learners are experiencing an increased learning day. This means the school day has become extended to incorporate various after school classes also known as extra murals or extra curricula s. For working parents in particular this can be a serious blessing in disguise. Knowing their children have access to quality care WFCF Scholarship eases the burden of arranging after care themselves when their children have been picked up from school. The added school hours seem to be more of a perk to both children and parents.

Exposing children to a vast array of extra mural activities, allow them to develop an added sense of confidence and self esteem. These extra school clubs promotes a sense of camaraderie, team work and intellectual growth and development. Yet the benefits does not stop there.

Sometimes the perks that these programmes add to the enrichment and development of children remain unknown to many. Yet many students who partake in the added hours assert that extra murals offer them the added challenge that they need. They also believe these extra hours give them the needed push to excel and achieve even further academic excellence. Having teachers or external services cater for their need to learn beyond the classroom walls makes learners feel more valued.

Aside from teaching learners about their interests, classes aids normal schooling in that it teaches learners about time management and prioritizing. The fact that the children opt to attend an extra class means at many times they are learning how to multitask and stick to timing constraints set. This is a necessary life skill that children need to learn from an early age.

The extra classes may not even have a strong focus on homework and academics. These particular classes seem to have a more positive outcome. It offers the children further stimulation and a break from the work load they face.

Any resume or application form looks better when children have proof that they partook in such extra mural activities. Such activities prove that children can work in groups and as part of a team. It also shows that children are driven to set, reach and achieve goals. Regular attendance also shows commitment on their part and even may hint that the child may possess leadership qualities necessary for progressing further.

Extra schooling activities allow children to be more social, interacting more frequently with children within their age group or children slightly older. This ensures children are never left alone to their own devices. Children interacting in these groups learn about each other s interests and skills and develop better social skills and demeanour.

Lastly a benefit of these extra classes that cannot be overemphasized is that children need the extra care to be able to diversify their interest and skills and the classes offers this opportunity to the children. Allowing children to participate and engage in activities outside the classroom gives them the chance to make friends, deepen intellectual growth and grow socially as part of the society too.

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