How Online Learning Schools Measure Up Against Traditional Schools?

In the last couple of years there has been a lot of debate about the effectiveness of online learning in comparison to traditional 'brick and mortar' schools. Since many people are opting for the online way to study, a consistent number of schools and colleges have started providing education over the internet. They view online learning as a legitimate process of study. But, there are still some who believe education imparted via traditional schools is high in the quality component when compared to online schools.
Traditional Schools
Traveling and Accommodation Costs Involved
Students have to travel all the way to school each morning. The other option is to reside in the school accommodation or look for private residence if the school is located out of the student's home town. The traveling and accommodation are added financial burdens on top of the ever increasing tuition fees.
Food Costs Involved
To stay away from home means you have to pay for the food and beverages that you require to intake every day.
Manual Process of Registration
You have to be physically present at the school administrative office to sign up for a class or course. This basically transforms into queuing up for hours just to get a registration form? Traditional schools usually follow the same old method of manually distributing and collecting admission forms that often creates chaos during peak hours of the day.
Complete Tasks on Time
In traditional classroom-based learning, the students are required to finish off their projects or assignments within time as specified by the teacher. Students do not get luxury of relaxing or studying at their own convenient schedule and pace.
Carry Text Books to the Class
You need to carry text books, pen, pencil, etc. to a classroom. Textbooks can be heavy plus quite expensive.
Online Distance Learning Schools
Tremendous Flexibility
Students can arrange their time to study, do homework, and complete assignments. Online learning works best for professionals who want to continue studying while working on part-time or full-time jobs.
Cost Effective
No added expenditures of travelling, accommodation, and food which is a requirement in the case of online learning. You study from your home - the only thing you need is a computer with an internet connection.
Easy Access to Registration Forms
Students can simultaneously view, fill up, and submit registration forms for a single or multiple classes without even travelling to the school in person.
Download or View E-books
You can easily view and download any number of e-books required for your studies. In this way, you save costs as well as don't need to carry heavy text books to the classroom.
Thus, in many ways, online distance learning is so much better than traditional schools. Each one of them has their own set of pros and cons. It is really up to you to judge which one works best for you.
Jonathon is a professional Class organizer. Educational institutions and independent professionals worldwide are increasingly relying on automated software to streamline the online class registration, payment management, and student relationship management. Acteva is the market leader in providing class registration solutions at competitive price.

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