Learning Social Media For The Social Media Inept

By Franklin Skribbit

It's not always that someone is incapable of using social media for business. It's just that social media doesn't always show an obvious benefit to those that are looking to increase their business.

Many students express frustration that they have to take so many tests throughout their college career. However, if students took a little time to learn about why tests are necessary, they may look at them a little differently.

Tests are designed to see how much a student knows. If a student does well on the test, then they have proven that they have mastered the material that the teacher has been teaching.

Flash Drive

A must have for all college students! Flash drives work as both storage and transport for your important school assignments. They can be plugged into school computers, printers, and shared with classmates working in groups. Although online clouds and drop boxes are becoming more and more popular, it's always smart to keep a flash drive around. You never know when the internet will go berserk on you.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Social media offers great opportunities for exposure. Take a look at Twitter for example.

But if your test is timed, you will want to figure out approximately how much time you will have to answer each question. It is important, though, to not become too stressed out thinking about how much time you're spending on each question.

If you stress out about that, then you will be spending precious time and energy focusing on stress rather than focusing on answering the questions on the test correctly. It can be difficult, but try not to focus on how much stress you are under while you are taking your test.


Hand in hand with smartphones are tablets. These provide many of the same useful services as smartphones, but these can also be used to take notes, share videos in class, and access online textbooks. This is a particularly attractive feature of tablets. Very expensive textbooks can be purchased or rented online much at a much more reasonable price. If necessary, tablets can replace personal computers and/or smartphones.

Online/Mobile Apps and Programs

Social media training from Phoenix universities would teach you exactly how to use social media in those ways. You first have to believe in the tool before you can make it work for you though. So believe in this free marketing tool, and allow it to start working for you, even before you can get the official social media training from a Phoenix University.

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