Educators Relearning History Through Social Studies Teacher Continuing Education

By Della Monroe

We all know that history is written by victors in a conflict, but this truth is beginning to change. For generations the inhabitants of any nation that knew victory accepted what they were told by their authoritarians, never asking the difficult or uncomfortable questions that might have cleared things up a little differently. However, here in the United States, and throughout much of Western Europe, people have begun to ask such questions that even a social studies teacher continuing education could become a catalyst for real social change.

People are beginning to educate themselves, and question what we have been taught. Between the Internet, science fiction expanding us to new ideas, and even prime-time television documentaries outlining alien theories; we are on the cusp of a revolution of thought. Before we can grasp our rightful place in the Universe, we must first know and accept the origin of our species.

Perhaps destiny is not an undiscovered territory at all, but rather a perspective that we have yet to embrace because we do not yet understand who and what we are. Was there merely a benevolent God who created us and placed us on this planet to stroke his ego. Many people reject this belief, thinking there must be something more.

The historian and language professor at Emory University, Mr. Zacharia Sitchen, spent most of his life translating this text at his home in Stockbridge, Georgia. He was given many of the stone tablets themselves at first, but when it became clear that he intended to truly pursue the project, those who claimed authority over his research pulled his funding and took the manuscripts. However, Mr. Sitchen had possessed the presence of mind to photocopy the tablets, and he continued his work on his own.

When Zachariah presented his findings to the world of academia, he was met with cold shoulders and cruel stares. No one really knows why he behaved the way he did after he presented his body of work to colleagues and friends. While he never came right out and agreed that he was a Charlatan, he never defended himself against such slander either, and it has been long accepted that his findings were a hoax, or a misinterpretation.

Not until after his death has anyone taken a serious look at the work which was done, and much to the surprise of Max Egan with The CrowHouse, the account tells a very straight-forward story about the origins of the human race. It is easily seen where the texts of the three primary religions gleaned their truths. It is also very easily seen just where and how, and basically why the accounts were altered to the point where they no longer told the same story.

It turns out that we are not directly created by a Supreme being, or even a trans-dimensional being. We were created through genetic manipulation by a race of beings much like ourselves who had their own ulterior motives. We were not born out of sin, but we were certainly created with some intentionally inherent flaws which have allowed us to continue being locked into a slave mentality.

The fact that so much of our genetic code is turned off may well be the reason we continue to be viewed by our creator, and each other, as an inferior race of beings. If we want to rise above this inferiority complex and grasp a better future for ourselves, then we must first get historians to level with us about our dubious origins. Time has come for free-range humans to take some responsibility for our future.

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