Characteristics Of A Phlebotomist

By Lenny Medders

When deciding to pursue a phlebotomy full time job, a person has to really take a serious look at whether or not their personality fits with what is necessary of the job. A degree in phlebotomy requires time and money to finish which means you should be aware of the following before investing your hard earned cash and time.

Because a patient will likely have many questions about the procedure and about exactly what the blood draw is for, a phlebotomist's passion for science has to shine through. It's always important to make the effort to do well for the duration of the training program, and having a passion for science will actually allow you to find the topic intriguing and consequently result in better grades. Love for what you do as well as the passion to continually keep learning are key in how successful you will be in getting through the phlebotomy training curriculum.

If you are someone who actually enjoys working with patients rather than just sit behind a desk all day long, then a phlebotomy career is definitely for you. You may get a person who's nervous about having his blood drawn so it is always beneficial to have the people skills to calm them down and talk them through the process so they feel at ease. We all have our bad days and may just not be in the mood to have our blood drawn, so having the capability to deal with this situation will help you significantly.Being personable will take u a long way in your career as a phlebotomist.

Another key personality trait in having a successful phlebotomy career is not be squeamish. If you have a weak stomach this career is not for you personally. Before enrolling in phlebotomy school, make sure you know you can stand to handle blood. If you end up finding out that you won't be able to perform basic phlebotomy duties then try a different field in the clinical industry.Many people also vomit if they're nervous or anxious over the procedure so make sure you are comfortable with this too.

A phlebotomy career is a great way to help people while doing something interesting. As long as you love working with people as well as have a strong stomach you will be happy being employed as a phlebotomist. If you meet these criteria, then get training which will put you in the path for a successful phlebotomy career immediately! The training will seem challenging however if you actually put in the right time and energy in performing well in school , you'll receive your diploma before you know it.

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