Understanding The Importance Of 229Th Assault Helicopter Battalion

By Toni Vang

It is the job of the people in the armed forces to protect the people of the country. Whether the threat is domestic or international in nature, it is important that they will have the capability to successfully defend the citizenry. As such, appropriate resources and tactics are utilized to ensure that they will be able to successfully carry out such an immense task.

In the past, operations are conducted purely on the ground. Over the years though, the development of airborne vehicles have made it possible for troops to conduct their operations with the vantage point of being up in the air. Then, came the 229th assault helicopter battalion- which allowed troops to get hat advantage of being able to attack while n the air.

Back then, helicopters were mostly used by troops for transportation. This would either be to transport troops to different locations, to carry cargo and other items to and from the battlefield, or to provide medical evacuation. In the recent days though, these units can be equipped with certain features and arms to make it possible for it to be used for assaults done above the ground.

Recent times have seen the use of these units for assault purposes. They can be fitted with the necessary armor and weaponry to make them useful as support unit whenever there are combats involved. They can be equipped with guns, rockets, cannons, as well as guided missiles. In addition, they can be equipped with avionics and aerobatic equipment as well.

There are different types of modes and roles that these equipment play when it comes to attacks. The first one is where it is used for a standoff approach. They will be used to hover close to the friendlies. Hence, they are then used as a mobile anti-tank missile launcher. For this to succeed, the unit needs to expose itself only when necessary or the low level flight of the unit might cause it to get into trouble.

Another mode is when it is used to climb, approach, hit, and run. In this mode, the unit is used to climb a certain height to allow it to spot where the enemies are. Once the enemies are spotted, it will approaches its location and fires. Unguarded rockets and autocannons are often used for these attacks. This is done through a limited and forward field fire thought. So, heavy hardening of the unit and of the gears if the crew is required for this to work.

Some attack helicopters are used for hover purposes. Here, they will circle high. Afterward, they will proceed to fire shots at the troops of the opposition that are on the ground. An autocannon is often done to carry this out. Though this can be quite effective, it is not likely going to work in the event that the opposition has a really effective and solid air defense.

Lastly, there are attack helicopters that are used to infiltrate. This is achieved through maximizing the ability of the unit to access high terrains. An approach like this is often carried out to make it possible for the troops to attack the rear of the enemies' troops. For this to actually work, both sophisticated troops, weaponry, and armaments are going to be necessary.

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